Wednesday, August 19, 2009


so I guess one IV is not suppose to last more than a couple of days. Lukas' lasted about 5 days. They had to take it out because it stopped working. they wanted to put another one in. Jeff and I told them they had one shot to put it in, or we would wake up the dr and make him give us the rest of the meds in a shot form.

i am sure glad that they got it in the first time. fighting with dr's at 1am was not my idea of fun. Especially when i would have had to wake him up for the fight. Also, I was able to stay in the room this time and I didn't cry once! i am getting stronger with all this stuff.

I am a little worried. i know our life experiences help us grow stronger for the next problem or situation that comes up. so the thought has crossed my mind...What is coming up?

Ok, let's stop thinking about it. Back to happy thoughts about care bears... My favorite was the pink care bear, but I can't remember what she had on her tummy. A bday cake?


The Orrellys Family said...

A cupcake with a candle in it!
My fav....

Nancy Lane Logan said...

It was a birthday cake cuz you loved birthdays. David was funshine bear cuz his song was "you are my sunshine". Robbie was a blue bear with shooting star.
I love you, Katie. Don't think in the future. Remember the footsteps in the sand. Mom

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