Sunday, August 2, 2009

Big Surprise

So the dr said I should have the baby by 4am on Saturday morning. BIG SURPRISE...It didn't happen. I should just stop listening to her!

She did give me a back up plan. She scheduled me to be induced on Thursday. She said It was only a back up plan, because she knew I was having the baby that weekend. WHATEVER!

The funny thing was that at the last check up, she told me the Dr would not let me be induced just because I have large babies. Then a week latter, she changed her mind. I didn't ask her why, because I didn't want her to rethink it.

She did say that the babies head is really big. THANKS! That is just what I wanted to hear. Maybe we should take bets on just how big his head is and just how much pain I will be in.


Melanie said...

I was going to ask if they might induce. Hopefully she actually comes through this time. I think I might go postal if I were you if she went back on that one. why wouldn't they induce if you have big babies? Do they want you to take it full term so you can deliver an even bigger baby? Hopefully Thursday! My guess was Wednesday but I forgot to tell Tricia.

Laura Looooo said...

ahahahaha.... logan had a big head and he turned out ok :-)

Unknown said...

Funny Laura, I am still recouperating after Logan! His head was the biggest the hospital delivered at the time. I don't want to brake anymore records.

Laura Looooo said...

hahahahahah oh gosh i love our familyyyy <3 it will be ok! :-) love you....and logie bear....and soon to be lukieeeee bear :-)

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