Monday, June 2, 2008

Rant and then fun

So I have always had a problem with the free lunch program that Albuquerque does at the parks. On the one side it is nice to go somewhere in the community and do something for free. On the other hand it is really not free. I have done research on the program and it is federally funded with 1.2 million dollars. That means it does cost us, just in our tax dollars.

I am tired of paying money and seeing it go to waist! Why are we spending 1.2 million on feeding kids that should be eating at home? I would love that money put into our police departments so that when we call, someone shows up within 30 mins! Or what about building a school or two around here, so we don't cram our kids in classes. What about building another jail that just holds punks that graffiti our communities ( this really bugs me and I hope that when they grow up and get married and buy a nice new home that some other little punk taggs their home, park and schools).

Well, with all my big talk, I have finally caved. Today I took the kids to the park for free lunch. I went a couple times before, but I didn't know how it was funded, so I didn't care. But now I know, I care and I still went. And I am ticked with myself.

My kids have been so excited about going and playing with their friends and eating lunch at the park. I tried telling them I would make them a lunch as we would go to the park, but it was not the same. And what am I suppose to do, tell them that the federal government is paying for the lunch and they should use the money better? Jakob would love that.

So there is my vent.

Now the fun. Today (after the free lunch at the park) we went to the Main library down town and joined the summer reading program. The kids love to read and they love the program! We stayed for a couple hours while the kids played with the toys and read books. On the way home we stopped by sonic for 1/2 price drinks and slushes. Now the kids are down stairs watching a movie we rented from the Library (instead of reading the books they got).

I love having my kids home with me. It took a couple days to get them to play nice with each other, but they are playing great now and I love it! Sorry about the rant.


Gina said...

Katie, I loved the rant, but you know how I feel about most social programs, actually, if someone is a member of our church and participates in pretty much any of them, they need to go read a little bit of Pres. Kimball and think about their self reliance and spiritual progress, now I need to go repent of my pride and judgmental nature. Go Ron Paul!

Melanie said...

I knew about this and it never made any sense to me either. What a waste. And some school districts are required to provide free breakfast and lunch for all the kids (which most of them don't even eat so it all goes to waste or is given away). And we're paying for it all. The federal government are the worst money managers imaginable yet they keep collecting and wasting our taxes.

Christine Bushman said...

this is mostly done in title 1 school areas. Which is our ward boundries and so forth. Kudos to Gina!! on Pres. Kimball's talk, everyone needs that talk!!

I am like you, katie. I make the boys lunch when we do the park thing, too.

Gina said...

Because I love Pres. Kimball's talk, and Chris does too, I will post the link.
These are the quotes that I try to make many decisions based on:

Quote #1: Attempts to obtain our temporal, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being by means of a dole violate the divine mandate that we should work for what we receive. Work should be the ruling principle in the lives of our Church membership.

Quote #2: No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able will voluntarily shift the burden of his own or his family’s well-being to someone else. So long as he can, under the inspiration of the Lord and with his own labors, he will supply himself and his family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life.

Now the link:

Gina said...

Now I have commented way too much, but part of the link cut off, and we can't have that.

Kyle/Michelle said...

While I see how everyone feels about the free lunch program, I attend all the time. :) It is meant to be for ANYONE, poor, rich, etc. It helps get people out to the park and enjoy the outdoors. Plus I figure it's not something we can opt out of (paying taxes) so I should take advantage of it. I consider myself self-reliant and I still go. :) That's my two cents worth.

Carly said...

We also attend the free lunch progam. Like Michelle said it is for everyone. We all have to pay the taxes and don't get to decide what they use our money for. By not going it just gives our money by means of food to other people. I might as well go get my portion since I did pay for it. We don't depend on the free lunch and can supply our family with what we need. It is just a fun thing to do in the summer, and the kids LOVE it!!

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