Saturday, May 24, 2008

Summer Plans

It's funny. You think of summer as all this time to do fun things and then you go and plan all the fun things you want to do and suddenly there is no summer left. Here are the things we want to do:

1. Library fun days. We are working on what day we want to do. Tuesdays at 10am or Thursdays at 2pm.

2. Summer reading program

3. Fishing with Dad (I don't like putting the worms on the hook. I like the holding the pole while the line is in the water. But I cry when I catch a fish. So fishing with Dad is good)

4. Swimming at the community pool. (as soon as Kellsie's casts are off)

5. Camping

6. Going to the Brandshaws for Timmy's birthday

7. Three judo tournaments

8. Dollar movies

9. Free movies at the Mall's movie theater

10. Girl scout activities

11. Teaching Jakob how to ride his bike without training wheels

12. Getting ceramics poured for all my Christmas projects

13. Relatives coming to visit

14. Sprinklers at the community center

15. 50 million birthday parties and baby showers

16. Humanitarian Aid on Thursdays

17. I have also told the kids I would pay them 50 cents for every book they read accompanied with a book report (nothing too long, because I really don't want to read it. But just to keep them reading and writing during the summer).

18. I want to put Rock in the back yard ASAP. So depending on how I can con Jeff into taking days off and hauling rock into the back yard during the hot days.

19. I would also like to take a small family trip somewhere new. Just for the weekend or something like that. Maybe down route 66 again and stay at a crazy weird hotel. Those are my favorites!

20. Logans birthday ( he has so many amazing ideas for his party. I hope I can put them into action. Wish me luck.

21. Girl Scout Hotel Sleep over. I will let you know how that one goes. most of our girl hate camping. I am hoping to start small camping trips next year or maybe next summer. We will see.

Any other ideas?

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