Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Most AMAZING Day Ever!

Today was FREE ICE CREAM day at Ben and Jerry's. So we took a trip up there to get a free single cone for each of us. It was fantastic! We all loved it. Then we went to the Store to pick a couple of things up. We had to pass Ben and Jerry's on the way home...you guessed it, we got another cone.

The kids say I am the best mom ever! I hope they remember that tomorrow when they get made at me.


Anonymous said...

You are the best mom ever. I want to be like you when I grow up.

The Orrellys Family said...

you are the best mom ever. I gave my kids Starbucks and then yelled at them to calm down when they went crazy. HAHA

Highlander said...

You rock--we don't have any of those places close--We have coldstone for $5 a kid.

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