Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Now what?

While I was fixing dinner I loaded the dishwasher (multi tasting as always) and it started running, but I didn't hear any water. So I opened it and DRY! No water! I waiting until Jeff got home and he tried a couple things and still no water.

I went to Judo and called Jeff and told him how scared I was. The thought of washing dished by hand again scared me. I don't know if I could do it. The amount of dishes we go through in a day is...well...a lot! I told him if he fixed it by the time I got home, I would buy him ice cream.

When I got home the dishwasher was running perfectly! I didn't get the ice cream yet, but I will get some tomorrow.

Thanks Jeff! You Da Man!


Highlander said...

I don't do dishes by hand either. I would sooner go buy new dishes each time. I am soooo Lazy!!

Christine Bushman said...

I hate to break it to you. I did dishes by hand for 6 months and prego with Justice. Jason finally got the part for christmas for me. ---got to love him for that.

it wasn't soo bad. the dishwasher was just an over priced dish drainer.

And my parents still don't have one. In a house of 13, you would think they might need one, BUT no. They never got one. My dad would always say he had 13 dishwashers, why did he need another one

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