Monday, February 11, 2008


Life is normal once again! JEff found the snake last night right next to the computer room closet door. Jeff said he was cold, but still alive (bummer). Kellsie's slumber party is back on for this friday. All is well! thank you for your constant prayers during the past horrible week.


Christine Bushman said...

Darn it all. I was hoping you would say, that you ran it over with your van... or something like that

Anonymous said...

A dead snake is a good snake. Try harder next time!

Unknown said...

THank you for your support ladies. I knew you all hated snakes as much as I do.

Chamrie Andrews said...

We have 2 ball pythons, and Doug has lost 1 of them twice. (I have also forgotten to put one away) I told him he is a dang lucky man that I am not terrified of snakes... but it doesn't mean I'm okay with them running around our house! :) I can't imagine wondering for almost a week! I'm glad you found him, and not in your bed or heater vents!

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