Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What a night last night

Jeff went into work early yesterday. The loss prevention guy was coming in for a visit, so Jeff wanted to get his office stuff done before he got there. Anyway, since Jeff went in early, he was also going to come home an hour earlier.

I was very excited about this because Logan's Judo has been moved to Tuesdays since the heater in the old place is broken. Also Kellsie's church class (Faith in God) has moved to Tuesday night also. The last thing is that Jeff usually works nights on Tuesday nights and there is no way I can be in two places at one time. So back to the excited part...Jeff was going to be home to take Logan to judo and I was going to take Kellsie to Faith in God.

Then my friend Laurel calls and said she would take Kellsie and Jessica (her daughter) to Faith in God. Great! That means that I could stay home with Jakob and get him to bed on time.

Then Jeff called and said he was running late, but he would still be there in time. Then 15 min before we had to leave for Judo, he was still 30 min away. WE SCRAMBLED!!! Jakob went to the neighbors house for 30 min until Jeff could get home and watch him. I took Logan and Kellsie. I dropped Kellsie at Laurel's house 1/2 hour early ( I OWE YOU ONE AGAIN LAUREL) and took Logan to Judo. I feel bad for Jeff having such a long day. He is such a good husband for working so hard. Thanks baby!!!

Then after we went to bed last night Jakob came in and said his Tummy was hurting. OF COURSE HIS TUMMY WAS HURTING! I took him to the bathroom 3 times. I don't mind getting up with the kids, but I would love it if I didn't have to hear Jeff snoring while I was up. I kept Jakob in bed with us and good thing, because he started a fever about 2am.

This morning I spent a couple hours on the couch hugging a warm sick child. I love hugging my kids, but you know I am going to be sick next. I better start on some vitamins.

Thanks for listening to me complain. Jakob is feeling better (with Motrin). Jeff is home all day, so he is down stairs hanging out with Jakob. I bet Jeff doesn't even get sick.

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