Friday, July 10, 2009

New Funny Story

We went to albertson's last night for some grocery's. I stepped in a pile of water and it splashed all over my feet. I said (kinda loud, cuz it scared me) Ah, I just got water all over the place.

Then Logan's eyes get really big (and I mean big) and he yells (and I mean yells) mom's water broke!

As people start to look my way, I tell him that my water did not brake, that it was water already on the floor. And then he says (again, not to soft) that my pants are wet too.

First of all my pants were not wet, but people around me were looking.

You would think that would embarrass me? Nope! Par for the course at the Giras household.

But I can assure you that there was no glass or water braking. I am still prego!


Christine Bushman said...

a baby a month early won't be fun either... still too little to be at home

Laura Looooo said...

hahahahaha.....that is greattttt!!!!!! loveeee u...and Logie Bearrrrr

J. Peter said...

I love this! Very funny!

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