Sunday, August 31, 2008

Funny story

So after church our Bishop gives the younger kids suckers for being reverent during church. This happens every day except the first Sunday of the money which is fast Sunday. So today the kids all lined up to get their sucker and they found out that the Bishop ran out. No big deal right? WRONG! There were at least three kids who went away crying and the rest were sad.

I just think it is funny. I am sure the Bishop didn't know how emotionally distraught these kids were going to be. And by the look on his face he felt really bad. But the drama that came from some of the kids was just to funny. My kids are a little older, so they didn't cry, but I did feel sorry for the little ones that didn't get their weekly sucker.

I shouldn't laugh, but it has been an hour after church and I still think it is a funny story.

1 comment:

Christine Bushman said...

do you know who will have to get those stuckers?????

just think about it for a moment. it is not who you think.

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