Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chargers RULE!

A week before I left for CA there was a special football game on. Jeff's favorite team is the Buffalo Bills (they suck,but he likes them anyway). Mine is the Chargers. I am loyal to my home football team. Since we have been married, they have only played twice. Once when the Chargers kicked the Bills behinds and this time.

The kids and I waited until Jeff was in the shower getting ready for church and we went outside and wrote all over his windows. See below!

I had told Jeff that I had to be to church early, so we would have to drive two cars. Well Jeff was almost late to church, because he had to wash his windows before he went.
Chargers did lost, and I am still hearing crap about it.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Need I remind you who won the game??? B...I...L...L...S!!!!!

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