Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our family tradition is to decorate for Christmas the Sunday after Thanks Giving. I love this tradition. The kids and I have been looking forward to this all week.

For Christmas Aunt Kim, Aunt Denise and Grandma Joan like to send Christmas stuffed animals. Some make noise and some just look adorable. So Kellsie's job every year is to arrange them so everyone can see them. They only stay looking nice for a day or two until the kids start playing with them. Jeff, Logan and Jakob set up the lights outside on the garage and the candy canes lining our drive way. They look totally cool.

We set up the fake tree (that is right. Christmas trees are way too expensive so we bought a fake one years ago)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

We're all about fake trees at our house too. Definitely the best way to go.

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