Saturday, September 20, 2008

Update on the PTO thing

Last week the staff at the school could vote on the new PTO board. The votes are in the box waiting to be counted. On Monday after school we are having out PTO meeting for the parents and rest of the teachers to vote.

It has been harder than I thought. I figured the people currently in positions would be mad and say mean things, but I had no idea on how crazy horrible it would get. It is just a PTO for heaven's sake.

But Stephanie and I are keeping out cool . We are playing the peacemaker type roll, trying not to lower ourselves to the mean rumors.

I sure hope the people who are tired of the current people will stand up and vote. I guess we will see in about 48 hours.

Either way, Stephanie and I started on the Book Fair. It will be October 20-24th. We will have Clifford there that wed night to take pictures with the kids. It is a Safari theme and we are really excited about it. I even bought a stuffed animal elephant (Herbert is his name) to display at the Fair. Jeff thought it was funny. I am not a big stuffed animal fan, but I fell in love with this elephant. I will post pics latter.

Anyway, wish us luck on the PTO thing.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hey, good luck! I hope you guys win.

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