Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The bear came out!

So on Monday I get a call from the nurse. Logan was really upset, so I went down to school. After 10 min of him crying I found out what happened.

He was in the bathroom stall and at least 2 4th grade boys were kicking his door open over and over again. He told them to stop , but they didn't. He was so scared. He thought they were coming in to hurt him.

Another boy came in and told them boys he was telling and then they ran away.

While in the nurses office the PE coach came in and told me she found one of the boys and he was in with the Principal. Of course I waited outside and when I saw the kid I was upset to find out that I knew him. I helped him carry stuff to his class one time. I told him that the boy he was picking on was my kid. Of course he felt really bad (not that it mattered). I also found his teacher and told her (she is working on it too).

What I want to do is hunt them down and smack them around. I don't like bullies! And I am still mad about it!

I just don't understand the bully thing. If I ever found out that my kids bullied someone I would ground them for life! But I guess I can't control other peoples kids.


Christine Bushman said...

did the principal didn't see anything wrong with that?!!

I would report it to APS. It didn't sound like you were being a bear. but it did sound like bullying going on

You don't need someone picking on your kids in the bathroom of all places!!
Accordding to the APS handbook, those kids could get BIG punishment for that.

Summer said...

That makes me so MAD!!! I don't even want to know what I would do in a similar situation. I have too much of a temper and too little respect for parents who let there children act like that. Is Logan okay? I just want to cry for him!

Unknown said...

Logan is ok, I think. At least he says he is ok. The principal yelled at him big time and he doesn't get recess for the rest of the year (according to the principal). He has to spend the recess time with her. SHE HATES BULLIES! I personally think he should be flogged and hanged! But APS doens't like my way of thinking!

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