Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Will the drama ever stop

So this whole PTO thing is blowing up again (it really hasn't stopped, but it slowed for a while). We had to vote out our VP and our Tres had to step down because of conflict of interest. And now you would like that WWlll is happening.

I am getting really upset. I only ran to stand up for what I believe in and I (and others) are getting slammed for it. The teachers can't really say anything to the administration because they work there. But we have a select amount of parents who are hell bent on saying bad things about us, trying to get us in trouble, saying untrue things about events that are happening. It is horrible.

I feel overwhelmed and sad and ticket off all at the same time. When is it time to give up? Do I let them win and let them go back to being dishonest? Am I OK with that? I feel that since I know what was happening it was my responsibility to stand up and make my voice heard. When that didn't work, I had no choice (in my husbands mind) then to run for Pres and make the change from within. I have done everything in my power.

The majority of the staff like what we have done and what we are doing. They like having us here, but if the select few are going to always win the battle, I don't know what to do.

Enough of the rant. I have 4 missionaries coming to my house for dinner and I need to clean.

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