Because of the 4th of July, our family trip and Uncle Tim visiting, Logan's bday was celebrated in stages. The last stage being the sleep over with a friend. Jarom came over on tuesday to sleep over after cob scouts. Logan wanted cheese cake, but couldn't choose the flavor. So he got one with 4 flavors. NICE WORK MOM!

Logan and Jarom

Logan opening his gift

Jarom and Logan using the bday gift

That's right he got an air gun. Like a BB gun with plastic pelets. Logan wanted a BB gun for his bday, but it just didn't happen. He was so excited. They went out that night for a couple rounds of shooting, but had to come in because it was getting too dark.
The next morning JEff took them out with soda cans and a target (a picture of a dallas cowboys fan) and let them shoot some more.
Thanks Jarom for coming over, Logan had a great time!
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