Friday, June 5, 2009

The Disney Train

The Disney " A Christmas Carol" train is in Albuquerque for three days. It is FREE! My favorite part. We waiting in line for about 45 min (well Kara watched the kids while I sat at the front of the line, because I got really hot and I looked and felt like I was going to faint).

WE got in the train and it was a museum about the movie.

The framed TV's lined the train with information from characters and different scenes from the movie.
There was a car that showed us how they took the human actors to the animated staged that the movie is in. There was one part with mirrors. Do you see me and the kids? Do you see how big my tummy is?

My adorable kids around the Christmas dinner table.

Kellsie with one of the costumes they used in the movie.

Logan next to a picture of Tinny Tim

At the end they got to take a picture that went into the computer and turned into one of the characters of the movie. I will down load those latter from walmart.
Very cool day (well not cool, it was really hot, but fun)

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