Saturday, August 22, 2009

Walmart on a saturday???

So procrastination...

The kids are starting a new school on Monday. I didn't send them with their school supplies for the other school because I was holding out hope for this new school to take them.

I got the new supply list. I didn't stress because I figured I had all the supplies already...NOT EVEN CLOSE!

I have to take back 2 full bags to walmart and one bag to staples to return. Then I have to buy a whole bunch more stuff. All the stuff I need to get is cheap and the stuff I have to return is the expensive items, so it works out in my favor, except I didn't do this yesterday or thurs, I waited until 4pm on Saturday.

Walmart on Saturday's suck! And I get to go out with a newborn.

On the bright side. I will pick myself up a candy bar and eat it without getting sick!!! I LOVE EATING!!! Thank heavens I'm not prego!

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