Friday, July 3, 2009

How to induce labor

I don't want any warning comments on this page!

Only helpful hints!

I found a website with some things I can do to induce labor (at 36 weeks of course). If you have any great ideas, please comment. I have eliminated the 1st thing to induce labor, because my daughter reads this, and I don't feel the urge to explain right now.

1. _______________ (Blank for a reason)

2. Movement. Movement such as walking, skipping, lunging, swimming or swinging (on a park swing) can help labor to begin. It is believed these activities help the baby rotate into a good position for childbirth. (right, like I can even move right now. Swinging just sounds like so much fun. But if you see me at the park, don't laugh).

3. Relax. The more you stop obsessing over when your baby is coming, the more likely labor will start. Labor will not begin in a stressed body. (This one is think is funny)

4. Foods. Everyone has a favorite food that they claim will start labor. Spicy foods like pizza or sausage can help (Bring on the hot food. Brandie, I need more chili sauce).

5. Fruit. Tropical fruit like pineapple, mango and kiwi actually contain an enzyme that may help tone your cervix. (I will use our whole food budget on pineapple. Any good recipes?)

6. Talk to Your Baby. Some cultures believe that babies that have not been welcomed will not come into the world.

7. Acupressure and Chiropractics. Uncle Neil...COME VISIT ME!!!

8. Castor Oil. Castor oil (I know some people don't think this works, but man...)

9. Herbal Supplements. Primrose oil , red raspberry leaf tea (My dr said I can start taking primrose oil at 36 weeks. That is 1 week and 2 days away)


Sara said...

host a sleepover!!!!

Marie said...

the offer for the rototiller still stands!

Natalie said...

I'm a believer in Thai curry, a long day of walking/shopping/cleaning and "curbing" where you walk with one foot on the curb and one foot in the gutter. oh and I'd give a vote for #1 too. I feel for you. that last month is miserable.

Natalie said...

oh yeah, I also wrote a letter to Levi asking him to come early on my blog and I had a contraction before I turned off the computer.

Marie said...

Ted says to frequent places where it would be very inconvenient to go into labor and you will go into labor!

Stephanie said...

You crack me up...

Roasted garlic pizza worked for me and Andrew... shoveling snow worked for Porter... not being at the least bit ready for a baby worked for Zach... Good luck!!

Summer said...

The ONLY thing that worked for me was #1...even the threat of...ha, ha! Good luck!! And I can watch the kids when you do go into labor!

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