Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another lesson on sunday

So in Relief Society (for you non Mormons that is the women's lesson on Sunday), Kristien taught about "Enjoying the Journey". It was on a talk that President Monson gave in the last General Conference. Kristien did a great job and I really felt the spirit.

She talked for the most part about being grateful for the things we have. She gave an example of when we are pregnant and we are sick and tired, but we need to be thankful for the growing child in our belly and the miracle of birth. Of course this came about 10 min after I was in the bathroom tossing up the brownie that I ate in the class before. At the time I didn't like her example very much...

So after days of reflection...

I am glad to be pregnant. I mean it comes as a surprise since Jeff and I thought we were done having children. We had made plans about me going back to work part time next Aug (by the way, I should be giving birth in Aug) when all three of the kids were in school. I was working on the "next Stage" of my life. I was finally able to think about my family without being sad that I was not going to have anymore children.

So then I start getting stick and tired. A little moody (not much, I think Jeff over reacts). And surprise, I am having another baby. I love children (at least mine, other peoples kids aren't the best to hang out with, but I love mine!) and I wanted to have 13 kids and one point. But I just thought that was over with.

I am now back to reality! So the past couple days I have been trying to show Heavenly Father how grateful I am to be pregnant. I don't know if it is helping the physical state of pregnancy, but the emotional state is getting better (not for Jeff, I still complain to him, but that is his problem and he has to take it like a man). So thanks Kristien, perfect timing on your lesson. THANKS!

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