Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So I was putting away dishes and notice that I don't have any Tupperware. So I go to the fridge and there it all it.

I start cleaning...and cleaning...and cleaning and now we have no food. I found 4 bottles of BBQ sauce (all the same kind) opened and 1/2 used. So I combined them all. We had 2 syrup bottles, tons of Salad dressing bottles, and the list goes on.

In fact I found something that resembles the color green but I can't figure out what it is. It was in a zip lock bag. Mold. In fact, the original color might not have been green at all! How gross is that!

Anyway. I need to go grocery shopping and fill up my fridge again.


Highlander said...

You make me laugh just when I need to. I have the green things friend--brownish stuff:)

Summer said...

Don't feel too bad. I have found things that expired before I was born in my parents pantry. Now that's disgusting!!

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