Saturday, July 26, 2008

Highlighs from Logan's birthday

For Logan's birthday Jeff and Logan made football training camp birthday invitations. They handed them out at church and I called one of his friends from school. There were 12 kids that showed up (not including my 3). Jeff had a couple drills they did and then they played flag football. (Logan will post more pics of his party latter on his blog). There is one pic Logan smiling so big. He was so happy the whole time. Jeff was a little discouraged that he CHOSE to wear the charger jersey (my team) instead of his crapy bills jersey (Jeff's team), but I thought Logan made a grown up and wise choice.
Jeff decorated the football field cake (he was worried if I touched it the field would be dishonored or something. It turned out really cool!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hey Katie,
I'm good pretty much anytime for visiting teaching.

Looks like Logan had a great birthday!

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